Falafel, reimagined.

Let’s face it. I could, at all times, be eating something. Especially falafel. In fact, if I could be in a constant state of eating falafel, I would be. It’s so good, right? So balanced in so many good ways  — the smoky with the snappy, the fresh with the flagged, the light with the […]

A quick and simple black bean soup.

As a kid, beans didn’t make many appearances on my family’s dinner table. On occasion, my father would request a can of barbecue baked beans with his hotdogs, but, apart from those rare instances, I can’t remember eating a single home-cooked bean. Even when, as a young teenager, I cut meat from my diet, beans […]

Happy little Sunday things.

This weekend’s activities and musings are foregrounded by my anticipation and excitement for the coming of spring. For the past few weeks, I have been imagining waking up the morning of 20 March (which is this Wednesday, guys) to red-breasted robins chirping, daffodil blossoms advancing, and the winter-white skins of the citygoers imbibing their first […]

On lions and lambs: Boston in March.

In March in Boston, a little bit of sunshine goes a long way. Let’s get things straight: I am — ostensibly — a morning person to the greatest degree. I usually wake up when it’s still dark outside — to read in bed, to drink cup after cup of tea, to boil eggs, to do […]

Getting to know you: An image an hour.

I’ve been seeing a lot of this around the internet lately, and so, as we continue to get to know one another, I thought I’d give it a try myself. I very much appreciate the idea: my happy little Saturday as told through a series of images, rationed and parceled hourly. If there’s anything that […]