Happy little Sunday things.

My Easter weekend was the best. I headed home to Connecticut to spend the holiday with my family. It was two days full of cooking, eating, catching up, and talking about how nice it is to finally see some sunshine. Remember all that talk a couple of weeks back about lions and lambs? Here’s to […]

I quit sugar.

Six weeks ago, I quit sugar. I know this sounds really extreme and odd (and yes, I can actually hear you rolling your eyes from all the way over here), but that’s what I did. I quit sugar. In fact, not only did I quit sugar, I quit all things sweet, including artificial sweeteners and, […]

A quick and simple black bean soup.

As a kid, beans didn’t make many appearances on my family’s dinner table. On occasion, my father would request a can of barbecue baked beans with his hotdogs, but, apart from those rare instances, I can’t remember eating a single home-cooked bean. Even when, as a young teenager, I cut meat from my diet, beans […]

Overnight oats with chia, pumpkin, and cacao.

I have a tendency to be a little big-hearted about things. A little fixed. A little passionate. My family has always called it “opinionated,” which I have come to learn (through my interaction with people who aren’t required to love me, as my family is so required) is really a vehemence, a rabid and furious […]