Happy little Sunday things.

My Easter weekend was the best. I headed home to Connecticut to spend the holiday with my family. It was two days full of cooking, eating, catching up, and talking about how nice it is to finally see some sunshine. Remember all that talk a couple of weeks back about lions and lambs? Here’s to […]

Braised fennel wedges with saffron and tomato.

I’m in love with a cookbook. As I dished the other day, my beautiful copy of Deborah Madison’s Vegetable Literacy arrived last week. Normally, I read cookbooks like I read magazines. I flip through the pages, look at the pictures, bookmark a couple things that catch my eye, and then I move on. This one, […]

I quit sugar.

Six weeks ago, I quit sugar. I know this sounds really extreme and odd (and yes, I can actually hear you rolling your eyes from all the way over here), but that’s what I did. I quit sugar. In fact, not only did I quit sugar, I quit all things sweet, including artificial sweeteners and, […]

A salad for spring.

Guys. It’s here. It’s happened. It’s spring! Well, sort of. You see, I woke up yesterday morning to this great mess: Yep, Cambridge, once again, all frosty and white, slushy and miserable. I was determined to make the best of it and, despite the snow not magically turning into daffodils at the stroke of midnight […]

Happy little Sunday things.

This weekend’s activities and musings are foregrounded by my anticipation and excitement for the coming of spring. For the past few weeks, I have been imagining waking up the morning of 20 March (which is this Wednesday, guys) to red-breasted robins chirping, daffodil blossoms advancing, and the winter-white skins of the citygoers imbibing their first […]

Getting to know you: An image an hour.

I’ve been seeing a lot of this around the internet lately, and so, as we continue to get to know one another, I thought I’d give it a try myself. I very much appreciate the idea: my happy little Saturday as told through a series of images, rationed and parceled hourly. If there’s anything that […]